Tuesday, May 18, 2010

It has been a long time since I last blogged. My life has been intensely busy for months. After an incident at the IRS today, I decided that I would record my life with more vigor, if anything, but to leave a trail of evidence behind me. There is so much to write, I will probably jump around from date to date.
Maybe the place to start would be to say, that I became a US Citizen in October 2006. The 19th Amendment gave women the right to vote. In 2008, that right was stolen from me by my husband. He took my voters ballot, voted for McCain, and signed my signature. When I asked him to give me back my ballot, he refused, and grabbed the ballot and left the house. He dropped it in the ballot box that afternoon.
I only remembered that incident, whilst doing stacks of paperwork for a Protection Order. I drove to the nearest Government agency, and they got me a copy of my signed ballot by the next day. It was his signature, not mine!
Today I went to the IRS appeals office, as I have a pending Innocent Spouse claim for the 2 years he forced me to sign. In the 9 years we were married, he only filed 2 years of returns in late 2007. According to the IRS, I had signed a Form 870. I asked for a copy of the form with my signature. They could not give me one. The appeals officer pulled up 'our' case, which I had known nothing about, and I found out that my father had died in October 2007. This was the reason given to the Appeals office for further delay's in filing submission. We were both in Africa in October 2007, on a luxury Safari at Sabi Sabi. We also visited with my family and friends, in Johannesburg, Durban and Cape Town.
The more I learn about the life I knew nothing about, the more I am Gob Smacked! Later!

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