Thursday, May 27, 2010

Life is no dress rehearsal! This is IT!

Tonight as I lay in bed crying myself to sleep, I have but one wish. I wish I could take back the 10 years I wasted on a man that did not love ME!
A man that I was never good enough for. I was always trying to be thinner, making sure I wore the cute clothing, going to the Dermatologist to keep up my skin care. And for what? No matter what I did, it was never good ENOUGH!
There in lies the key. No matter how hard I tried to be the picture he had in his mind of what he wanted, it was NEVER enough. That is so sad!
I am still finding it difficult to accept that men hit on me everyday and am trying to see what they see in me, that I don't. I guess its going to be a long uphill battle to accept that I am OK, just as I am!
This is what you get, and life is no dress rehearsal.

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