Monday, May 24, 2010

Looking through the glass at my unconquerable soul!

Today, for the first time in 9 years I saw a glimmer of the woman I use to be. The woman who let nothing stand in her way, the woman who believed anything was possible. The same woman who moved her family 12 000 miles to be with a man she had fallen in love with over the internet.

I was just cleaning up the yard, and doing some much needed gardening, when I saw her through the looking glass.

I liked my old self. Ms Confidence! Watch out World attitude. She was someone I liked to hang out with. I lost her soon after I moved to the USA. I watched her disappear into the stillness of the night, slowly but surely. I would question my every move, and started believing that it was impossible.

I realized today, how much I lost by allowing myself to be abused by a man who had the strongest desire to control everything around him. It was a slow process and I missed all the signs leading to the imminent collapse of my sense of self.

I realized today, how much I missed her, and welcome her back. I will welcome her with open arms back into my life.

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