Saturday, May 29, 2010

Fired from my work because sexually abusive customers complained about me!

Last night, my girlfriend and I decide we are going to see Sex in the City.I tell her that we should go to my work and eat dinner there first, on the way to the movie. I also had just got back from my hair extension lady, and had just made my short hair long. It looks good. I am feeling good, walking through the restaurant into the bar area, and my manager stops me, and tells me that tomorrow night is going to be my last night of work. WHAT? No reason.

Later a customer tells me that 2 customers complained about me. I had been working at the restaurant/bar for 2 weeks when a guy walked through the door, and I prayed that he would not recognize me. He knew me from another job, where he was a customer, and he gave me the creeps. My long blond hair was gone, and my hair was short and dark. I had also lost 20 pounds.

Initially he did not recall who I was. As soon as I started speaking with my accent, and asked what he would like to eat or drink, he said 'Oh you're that girl from the casino.' Damn! He called a friend of his on the phone, and told him to come see the new bartender at the restaurant. Well Steve walked in 15 minutes later, and we were introduced. I poured them Bud light's and they started talking and drinking. Steve was making unwelcome sexual comments towards me.

These 2 men were sitting next to 2 of my lesbian customers at the bar counter. The comments towards me got more crude. Both Steve and Brain were talking about my body, and what they would like to do to me, 'bend me over'. My heart started racing, and I left the bar to go into the main restaurant to calm myself down. I had to leave the bar 3 times, to go calm down and stop my racing heart.

I heard the word 'fuck' and 'cunt' come out of there mouth so much that I was besides myself. In all my years I had never met such low life human beings. These pigs were from the bottom of the barrel.
Eventually, Steve asks my one gay customer at the counter if she would like to go with him into the bathroom and give him head. Those 2 women came into the bar at least 4 times a week after work. I have not seen them since that incident.

These men and their unwelcome comments were too much for me. Two months prior to this I thought I was going to die the night the I was raped with hands around my throat.

The crazy thing about this, was about a month later, some guy I had not seen before, Randy walked into the bar, and sat down and started drinking. My friend Pat was there as well. Somehow the conversation changed to us talking about Steve and Brian. This ex marine, Randy, knew them both. He told us of stories where these 2 scum of the earth, would pick up a girl in a bar and take her home. They would rape her, and no one reported a thing, because the girls were mostly drunk at the time.

I believe in the book I read by Gaven De Becker, 'The Gift Of Fear'. If your instinct says its NOT OK, you should go with your gut feeling.

So the victim, becomes the guilty, and loses her job. This is the land of opportunity and home of the FREE! Victims of abuse are NOT free. They suffer long after they leave their perpetrator.

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