Wednesday, May 19, 2010

SOC given for an offending protection order violation.

I just spoke to the advocate that was working on 1 of the violations of my Protection Order. My husband was given an S.O.C for 12 months. If he re offends, they will take it seriously! Are you kidding me? I need to speak to another officer and find out if they are going to prosecute the other 2 violations I reported last month. This is so frustrating. My husband (hopefully so to be EX) knows how to skirt the outsides of the law, I have found out.
This is crazy. I have reported 7 violations, to date, and this is what he got. This is why abused women rarely speak out. I have to go back to court to have them extend my P/O because of this. It was very difficult to convince the judge last time to grant me a P/O, because the sociopath I was married to, is so damn convincing!
I have to get on the phone and start making calls, and see who I report voters fraud to, IRS fraud to, and so on, and so on!! Later

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