Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Going to an appointment today, 2 days early!

So what is going on with me. I arrive at my new therapists office early this morning. I am standing at her door, knocking, wondering why it's taking so long for her to get the door. I phone her and ask her where she is. It turns out, I am not suppose to be there today. I am suppose to be there on Thursday at 10:30am.

So I go downtown to see my hair stylist who I have spoken to 15 minutes earlier. I get there, and she has gone out. She forgot I had spoken to her. She rescheduled for tomorrow.

Then it's a mad rush off to the attorney. My attorney has taken a bad fall in the bathroom almost 3 weeks ago, and hit the front of his head. He is still in hospital so my divorce has stalled. I saw a fill in attorney today. So here we go starting to explain it all over again. We have to file a contempt of the preliminary divorce proceedings, as well as interrogatories. I can't believe that the judge ordered for there to be no cancellation of any type of insurances, and what does my husband do? He cancels my auto insurance. Well, I found out it was not because it cost less money. In fact it was around $75 more because he only has 1 car on the policy now. I am shaking my head and going, WTF!

So now I am driving around illegally to get to my 2 part time jobs, without a dime of any kind of support until this is over.

I go to work tonight, and cash up for the night, and count the money 3 times. I am shaking my head, because I have way too much tip money. I come home, and try to figure out who tipped what, when I realize that I did not add the original bank for the night back into the drop.

What is wrong with this picture today? I have NEVER done this kind of thing before! I spoke to my therapist on the phone when she calls me tonight, and tell her that I can't believe I am doing this kind of stuff. She tells me that it's to be expected given my stress levels. I really am not bonding too well with these stress levels am I? ARGHHHH!!

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