Thursday, May 20, 2010

I was under the terrible misconception that my husband was unaware of my whereabouts

Tonight I got a call from a Debt Collector at the company I work for. I have spoken with them previously and told them my situation. I asked them where they got my work number from. They told me they had called my husband's home phone, and he had given them the number.
I got a protection order for myself, my son and 3 dogs, when I left and got a confidential address through the State of Washington.
Well, I was disillusioned. He knows where I work and what nights I work. I have felt that for some time, because of a strange incident one night at my work with someone I had never met before.
A guy walked into the bar/restaurant I work at, and sat on the end next to the people seated at the counter. I felt uneasy immediately. My six sense told me something was wrong with this person. I was busy serving drinks, and asked him what he needed. He replied nothing yet. I continued to serve other patrons in the area. I told myself to take more notice of this man, but did not, as i was detracted by keeping up with food and drink orders. When I asked him if he needed anything again, he asked for a happy hour menu. He looked it over, all the while I felt creeped out by his presence. I could feel him looking me over. He eventually told me that he would be back in sometime, and left. The 2 woman sitting next to him, commented that the guy was a creep.
3 hours later, I closed up for the night, and walked out of my bar area. Something made me look back, and there on the floor of my bar, in front of the place he was sitting in, was a pair of my panties. Yes they were Victoria"s Secret panties, but they were cheetah hiphuggers with lace. I owned 3 pairs of them. I had left a pair that were too big for me, in the laundry basket at my husband's house, as they were too big for me. Now they were staring at me, from the floor of my bar. I went to the police and reported it, and they looked at me like I was crazy. They told me that many woman wear VS panties, and asked me how I could be certain that they were my panties. I replied that they came out the dirty laundry basket, and all they needed to do was run a DNA check. They laughed at me, and told me that they would never go to so much trouble for a Protection Order Violation. They agreed that if there was a homicide they would go that far. I advised them that I would put the panties in question into a ziplock bag, in my underwear draw, and that if anything happened to me, that was where they would find the evidence. I told them that my husband was sending me a message letting me know that he knew where I was and warning me, that I could run but not hide.
What I learnt for sure tonight after getting that phone call, was that I was not in hiding for sure anymore.

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