Saturday, September 26, 2009

My Beautiful Wolf LOBO and his untimely death

I had a very dear old friend, that I met 9 years ago, when I first moved to the USA. His name was Terry. He lived about 4 doors away from my new home. He would come over often for dinner or a barbecue. I loved Terry, he was divorced, 64, and had such insight. We became good friends, and would at times, go riding along a trail on our bikes together, or go dancing for the night.
I am married to his good friend. He often told me of his concern at the way I was treated by my spouse, and advised me to leave often. I kept on thinking, it would change, and he would come around.
One night 4 years ago, Terry had a heart attack in his sleep. He had owned a wolf,named Lobo, who was around 9 years at that time. He was a beautiful creature, although he had a pack mentality.
At his premature death, no one would take responsibility for the wolf. It was decided that we would adopt him. For the first month, we would drag him back to our house, and he would disappear again, to his old home, and sit there howling. It was very sad to watch. One night, about a month later, he crawled through the little Jack Russell doggy door, and we found him in our room in the morning, sleeping peacefully. That was the turning point for my Lobo.
I grew to love this animal, and he took all of us, into his pack. He became much more social, and willing to share his affection.
One night about a year later, my husband had left 4 steaks on the edge of the kitchen counter, to barbecue. Now this mighty fine wolf, took it upon himself, to help himself of this fare.
When my husband walked into the kitchen and realized what had happened, he kicked the wolf in his ribs repeatedly.
Lobo crawled into a corner, and howled in pain. I thought that my husband had broken his ribs. It was 10pm at night, I remember that, because I was trying to figure out where i was going to take him for help. I sat in the corner consoling him, for a long time, and eventually got to feel his ribs, and see that he could move alright.
From this moment on, Lobo was mine. He avoided my husband at all costs, and followed me everywhere.
Almost 2 years to the date that we got him, my husband came home, and drove his truck up the driveway, and managed to catch Lobo with his front tire, and run him over. He backed his lifted truck up, and there lay Lobo, howling, with his hips broken, and stomach hanging open.
I was at the dentist at the time, but coming up the drive, my son ran out, and told me to come quickly, Lobo was run over. There was my wolf, in this God awful condition. I tried to console him, but he bit me, and there was no way to move him into the truck to take him to the vet.
Lobo lay there for 4 hours in tremendous pain. Some vet eventually told me to give him whiskey. It worked, as he drank from the whiskey bowl, it seemed to take the edge off the pain a little. Eventually we found a horse vet to come put him down. All the while this is happening, local kids, were digging a hole for us to put him in the ground.
After seeing my beautiful wolf get buried, I hurried to the emergency room, and got my arm stitched up. I still have the scar as a reminder, of my beautiful wolf. It is also a reminder, of what kind of man I am married to.
There is a definite link between abusive relationships, and animal abuse.

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