Saturday, September 12, 2009


OK, so I have 10 minutes before I leave to see a friend who is an accountant. She is going to get on the phone with me to the IRS, and start the process of trying to obtain an innocent spouse reprieve for me.
I have been married for 8 years to someone, who has not filed taxes with the IRS at all.
I was not allowed to open his postal mail, or look on his PC, as he had a password locking that as well.
He shoved papers under my nose, and told me to sign around August last year. Unbeknowst to me, i was signing tax returns for 2003/2004. In April of 2009 I found a letter addressed to both of us, and opened it. It was from his tax attorney, telling us that WE owed $50000 to the IRS. I immediately made an appointment to see this lawyer.
He advised me to file for innocent spouse, after hearing my story, and divorce my husband.
The qaugmire is this. I have lived in a econimically, mentally and verbally abusive marriage from the day the wedding band was slipped onto my finger. I was also isolated from my family, as I had moved 12000 miles to marry him.
I guess the joke is on ME, at the moment. Later.

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