Friday, September 25, 2009

Rescued Jack Russell Terrier abused

My daughter reminded me today of a Jack Russell Terrier, 'Chili' that we had rescued. We rescued this bitch who had already been in 3 homes, soon after our Jack Russell died. Here is a little information about my beloved dog 'Litchi' , that had drowned.
Litchi had been taken out on a boat, late at night, by my drunk husband. When he got back to the dock to tie up, he never noticed the dog miss the dock landing, and fall into the water.
My step son came running up to the house we were staying in, and told me that Litchi was missing and that they could not find him. I had rescued this dog from a terribly abusive family myself. I immediately started vomiting at the news, and continued to throw up all night.
In the morning we found him 12 feet down under the dock.
I was inconsolable, and laid in bed for a week. I found another Jack puppy, from a breeder in Oregon, and we went and picked him up from a dog show nearby that weekend. I named him 'Mango'. We decided that we would try rescue him a playmate. Here is where Chili came in the picture.
We took Chili, and had to sign papers off on her, as the rescue agency could not be held responsible for anything she did. She seemed to have an issue with men, and we had understood that she was abused by a man. She formed a bond with my 17 year old daughter, and when she was not around, I would have to do!
This dog did not like to be toyed with, and mostly we avoided any type of conflict with her. She had actually nipped 3 of us in the house, as a warning, but had never touched my daughter.
One night, my drunken husband, picked her up, and my daughter started screaming that he should put her down. Instead, he started blowing into Chili's face. OMG. Chili's first reaction was to snap, and she did. She took a chunk out of his top lip. I mean you could see the fat layer in his lip. He snapped, pick her up, and twisted her collar, and held her up against the wall, and tried to choke her. I was screaming and so was my daughter. He told us he would take her outback and shoot her.
My daughter took Chili to her bedroom. He followed her into her room, and lifted the dog, who was recovering from an attempted strangulation, and twisted her collar again, to choke her.
He lifted her into the air, and walked into the hallway, and slammed her backward and forwards against the wall. The dog was screaming. Chili pissed and pooped everywhere and became very quite, as he continued to beat her against the wall, with all he had in him. We now thought she was dead, and he stopped.
Amazingly she was was not dead. It was soon after that, that my daughter told me that she could no longer bear the treatment of Chili, and would I please take her to the vet, so that we could have her put down. I made the appointment, and we both sat there sobbing, while the vet euthanized her.
As my daughter related this event to me again today, I held back the tears and horror I had felt at that time. There are other atrocities I will talk about at a later date, as I am able to process, and work through my PTSD.
This is not the first dog to be abused in our house. What type of 'thing' can do this to an animal?

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