Saturday, September 26, 2009

Seamstress dilemas.

I have decided that maybe I should try to blog on a regular basis. That way, I will be able to recall past events, record the present,and future hopes for my children and myself.
Today, I will need to get my head wrapped around the fact, that I need to start sewing for a friend, and then get onto the work I need to get done for a store.
I guess I am a pretty good seamstress that does not market herself adequately. I need to start getting around and start showing stores just what i can sew.
I was in the fashion design business for 18 years in South Africa, and now have moved into the market of interior design. I love sewing, its where I find some peace. The problem I have with sewing is that I am a perfectionist when it comes to my work. I like things highly detailed, and really well sewn. I am a PAIN in my own butt. Not many people expect to get that kind of workmanship these days.
Off to my workroom, and lets get started for the day.

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