Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Well, I made the call to the IRS, after my last blog. It turns out that I got some wonderful very helpful people. They stopped the garnishment of my wages. 2 Days later, I get a letter from my bank to say that my banking account has been attached. Monday morning I get back on the phone with the IRS, and once again, they fax off the letter to my bank and remove the lien.
Tomorrow at long last, my innocent spouse paper work goes to them. Then I got to wait up until 4 months to see if it is feasible enough for them.

This is a relief of sorts, after speaking to numerous people and having them tell me that there is no way to deal with the IRS directly, and that I needed to hire a tax attorney. With what money, I ask myself?

I feel like I am a deep dark hole, that I cannot see the light of day. I feel crippled and trapped. Am I going crazy? I use to own a very successful manufacturing company in South Africa, that I had for 15 years before I moved to the USA, to marry someone I had met on Match.

I have been to numerous doctor's and psychiatrists, trying to figure out what is wrong with me. Why can't I get it figured out in the USA? What is stalling the process?

More about all those treatments and medications that I have undertaken, all the while protesting that they have not diagnosed me correctly. For the first time on Monday, I met with a therapist, to see if EMDR therapy would help me. I walked into the room, and she asked which part of South Africa I was from? HUH? I told her that I was from Durban. She had lived in Cape Town herself and left there around the age of 30. The reason I had not picked up on her accent was that her parents were German, and her accent is different to mine.

The first consult is free to see if this is something that would be helpful. I have looked for answers for the last 5 years. Within the hour, she told me that she thought that all the diagnosis I had received, were wrong. She felt that i was suffering from PTSD. Well I go back tomorrow morning to start the work of healing myself.

How does a person go from supposed normalcy to this state of mind? Later!

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