Saturday, June 12, 2010

“No one can hide that they are nuts for longer than 6 months.”

“No one can hide that they are nuts for longer than 6 months.” This would summarize the personality of a sociopath/ psychopath. This is so accurate, that looking back, I see it as clear as daylight now. I saw glimpses within 6 months. In fact, I remember that on my first visit to the USA to meet him, I watched him beat and kick his 2 Rottweiler's. What happened to the alarm bells that should have been going off in my head?
I guess those 7 months of writing back and forth that we did, had created an 'idea' of someone I was in love with. What I was watching did not fit the profile. I ignored the signs. There were some flags looking back and reading through those 2 binders of correspondence. I did do a background check on him though. There was no domestic violence history. There were 2 DUI's and I felt that anyone could at the wrong place and time could be pulled over and caught. He would write me letters, and sometimes just quotations of how he felt that a marriage should look like. We had both been married twice, and were badly wanting the 3rd time to be the charm.
My prince came riding in, only he was on a donkey!

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