Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Feeling cheated and dissilutioned after moving 12000 miles

Today I am feeling cheated. I moved 12000 miles to be with my husband, and gave up everything I had known up until that point. I owned a successful company, and 5 bedroom home, with 2 housekeepers and a gardener. Yes I feel cheated. Here I am at 47 starting over. I had to flee for my life when my husband was out of town, and move on without a dime. Its been 5 months and I still don't have a dime.

My health has suffered enormously at his hands over the last 10 years. I used my hands to make a living, and now that does not seem feasible as my hands have many issues that sometimes makes it too painful for me to sew.

I now have to consider going back to college and get reeducated so that I can become employable.Cheated of a life that I thought I was going to live with my husband till death us do part. Yes I feel CHEATED!

1 comment:

  1. I bet you feel cheated and at the hands of that wanker it is perfectly understandable to feel this way, but onwards and upwards, you are going to be fabulous and you will be working and doing something you enjoy and be more financially stable in no time at all. It may seem like it is all shit now but it gets better I am sure.
