Friday, June 18, 2010

Acceptance into College after 30 year hiatus!

I watched a short video on YouTube. Someone had put together various parts of interviews over the years that Will Smith had done. I listened to it, over and over again. What was the impact of that video?
I walked away with the belief that anything was possible, a wall is built, one brick at a time. I watched this video again on Friday 11th June, and decided to be proactive. I called the local college around noon, and asked if they were open, and what I would need to come enroll. I got in my car, and signed up to write a placement test, as I had not been to school for 30 years. I was accepted into the college. All weekend, I considered my options, and decided on Monday morning to go apply at another college. I had to rewrite a placement test for this college. I was again accepted after passing the English exam with 100% score, and placing pretty well in Mathematics, for someone that has not done algebra for 30 years.
I then went online and applied for a FAFSA grant the same day. By Tuesday afternoon, I had already had a positive reply from FAFSA, granting me a PELL award.
This gives me hope for a better future for my children and myself. I will do another blog about my goals, in attending college, and what I hope to achieve.

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